Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Clampets return to the hills

Saturday was the big day. With help from Brian and Ed III, and a borrowed truck, we got all the big things moved from the rented apartment to the new apartment on the property.

There are still plenty of things to finish, but we are now living at Greene View Springs. The trash in the picture will be going away soon, and with warm weather's return, we will finish the panels at the top of the east and, pictured, west wall.

Tomorrow satellite TV is being installed, and sometime this week if it doesn't get too wet again our driveway and multiple parking places will be built/regraded.

Stay tuned, there has been tons of progress, just not enough time to take and post pictures.

A telephone land line should be installed this week and I'll have effective access to the internet to post more pictures. Right now I'm only able to use the laptop and steal service from a neighbor who has wi-fi, but it is spotty at best. This post so far has taken 40 minutes to enter, again and again until it finally worked.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking good. Can't wait to see "Dad's" new digs.