It's hard to find a perspective that shows where everything is in relation to the others. Here's a shot that Sandy took from the far side of the wetlands area.
The light green below the white-barked trees is the wetland through which the spring water drains, west (left) to east (right). It has a large colony of mint whose aroma is very strong when it is bruised by walking through it. Sometimes a breeze will carry the mint aroma toward the ponds.
One can see Brian and me inside the larger pond. The south side of the dam has a very large rock in the middle at its top. Just above that in the picture (though actually about 30 feet north) is the large rock on top of the smaller pond's overflow pipe.
Below the rock on the larger pond's dam, on the outside, we have pushed a half dozen or so large rocks to the bottom, out of sight. They are way too heavy to be moved by hand. I hope to get help from a neighbor and his tractor to drag them southward into the wetland so we will be able to rock hop through it without damaging plants or leaving a trail. As it is now we cannot easily cross it much of the year because of the running water.
To its left, above and to the left of where we are standing, is the huge pile of dirt and clay excavated from the house site. It has completely overtaken the hillside below the house.
Between and behind it and the temporary building the excavated earthen wall can be seen.
Remember, all construction photos are at, even the unflattering ones.