Sunday, April 19, 2009

Early spring walkabout

Though it was a drizmal day, it wasn't a bad time for a few pictures of spring trying to catch on. Instead of a big long post with each picture described, I thought I'd let Picasa create a collage.

I haven't had time to look up the names of these plants, but I'm going to start an on-line album with plants we've found and I'll be sure they're all named before I put them into it. In the mean time, if you recognize any of these, let me know.

Beginning with the upper left corner and going clockwise, ending in the center, the pictures are a small red bud tree, May apples, mint plants in the creek, flowers farther down stream, new leaves on a young tree, field pussy-toes, more, but different yellow flowers, small shamrock-like leaves, and a large grouping of spreading lichens.