Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New address(es) - UPDATED

We have started using the rural route address at the property and have begun changing our address with all our correspondents. We haven't moved yet, but our Post Office box rental expired last week and could only be renewed for 6 months at a time. Since I am at the site virtually every day, and since we hope to be moved to the site within weeks, changing the address now made sense.

Sadly, we will have to change it again sometime soon. Greene County may be the last place in America that hasn't assigned real street addresses. We are finding some companies, insurance and financial institutions for example, will not accept an RR box as a valid address.

A company is contracted to assign addresses but no one, not the county clerk, the postmaster, nor the company itself, will say when they will announce the new addresses for any particular route. The upshot: we will soon have to change from our RR address to a street address. In the mean time, for those who won't accept the RR box number, we have made up a street address. If they use both in the sequence we have given them, their mail to us will go to our mail box. If they switch the sequence or don't use the box number at all, we have no idea if we'll get their mail or not. Time will tell.

On the topic of addresses, today as I was crawling around on the floor drawing lines, I though I saw Sandy coming in the door. It wasn't her. It was the UPS man looking inside to determine if anyone lived here. I told him "Not yet." Now for sure, UPS and the Green County Daily World have the new address.

By the way, in response to a comment, the address is:

RR 4 Box 262, Bloomfield IN 47424.

See, I do read the comments.

Progress on the heat

Today Sandy and I got the last of the tubing run for the radiant floor heat. Here's what it looks like in the bathroom.

You can also see the base of the shower. The over-stuffed bag contains cellulose that will be poured into the wall behind the shower once the fixtures are mounted inside the wall.

As I have shown earlier, the system has five "layers". The last "layer" is the cement board shown here, partially in place.

The cement boards are 3' X 5' and are placed so that four boards do not intersect at the same point. As each board is placed it is marked to show where the tubing under it is located. (The lines are easily seen if one double clicks the picture.) With these lines one can avoid damaging the tubing when the boards are screwed to the sub floor through the grids. The lonesome grid on the right is being used as a template to get the right curve when drawing the ends of the loops below onto the boards.

I hope to get all the rest of the boards in place tomorrow except where the toilet will be placed. The grid has to be cut out there first and the exact location of the toilet hasn't been determined.