Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another friend at the barn

I have been finding evidence of a visitor at the barn almost every day. First it was shredded toilet paper. Then some cracker crumbs disappeared. We are concerned that someone might decide some of our fabric items, like sleeping bags, tents or stored material, would make good nesting material.

So I set a humane trap in the barn on Monday and both yesterday and today this little fellow had sprung it. Well, yesterday it might have been one of his/her relatives, but who can tell?

Both times I have let him/her go near the compost pile we have started. I hope he tires of the game before I do. We don't want to take more drastic measures.

Yesterday the last of the old Tyvek was removed. The barn looks better without it.

Today we spent the time making room in the barn for the lumber that will come next week. We ordered lots of lumber, including a 32-foot laminated beam that will allow me to use 12-foot joists for the second floor instead of 8 footers. With 12-footers there will only be three posts in the middle of the barn floor so moving around should be a lot easier than if two rows of posts were erected.

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