Greene View Springs already has a water connection and yesterday we paid our deposit/membership to get it turned on.
Tomorrow we hope to buy a manifold water distribution system for the barn. These work like an electric junction box. Each fixture in the building is attached to the manifold directly. The "pipe" (blue for cold; red for hot) is easy to run, has no joints, and can be installed by an amateur (me). To get it through a wall stud or floor joist one just drills a hole and pushes it through.
Once I install it I can hook up each appliance as needed, starting with a simple laundry tub and the washing machine. I've already plugged in the refrigerator. With a water source I'll really be in business, and we can start doing laundry without pumping coins into machines in Bloomfield's laundromat.
Since the "pipe" is flexible, I'll be able to move the tub and washing machine around when I insulate the walls behind them and while we are raising the second floor joists. When all the work is done, the tub can be bolted to the floor and the wall.
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