Today I arrived at the barn to find a truck from our water company parked near the road. Its driver was there to tell me they needed to dig on the northwest hill, below the road, to find a leak that apparently had occurred, or at least worsened enough to be noticed, over the weekend. It took half the day, and they dug a trench at least 100 feet long, but they finally found a broken pipe that serviced our neighbors across Route 54. If only they had known where the problem was, the whole job would have taken less than an hour.
Here's a view from about where they started digging. You can see they're way up the hill by now, following the underground stream.

And here's looking down the hill.

Here's the culprit: the small black pipe. It was replaced in minutes, lots quicker than if they had had to patch the main line that it comes from below.

They did a pretty good job of refilling the trench,

and they moved a few large rocks like the ones we found below the barn up next to the driveway.

They'll be back after it rains a few times to smooth things off and replant over the trench. (Yeh, like it's going to rain.)
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