Monday, November 19, 2007

Rustic sidewalk moving along

The rain has stopped, the ground has dried and the temperature has risen, so Sandy has been able to get back to the sidewalk project. Even with constant interruptions from me with requests to help lift wall panels, (or to help me find something I've misplaced for the umpteenth time,) things are looking good.

Armed with a carpenter's square and a tape measure, she is establishing, from east to west, a line that parallels the building's south wall. Then, with a pry bar and stones gathered nearby, she is leveling and aligning the large pieces of stone and concrete that we found scattered near there when we bought the property.

Edging is pieces of fencing purchased at the serve-yourself lumber yard in town.

Here's what it looks like so far. There is a lot of clay near the building, but the soil improves quickly as one moves down the hill to the south (right).

The fate of spindly tree next to walk is still unknown. It's been in the way while installing Tyvek and siding panels, but it won't be after that. The growth of its roots is the major concern.

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