Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Progress on the heat

Today Sandy and I got the last of the tubing run for the radiant floor heat. Here's what it looks like in the bathroom.

You can also see the base of the shower. The over-stuffed bag contains cellulose that will be poured into the wall behind the shower once the fixtures are mounted inside the wall.

As I have shown earlier, the system has five "layers". The last "layer" is the cement board shown here, partially in place.

The cement boards are 3' X 5' and are placed so that four boards do not intersect at the same point. As each board is placed it is marked to show where the tubing under it is located. (The lines are easily seen if one double clicks the picture.) With these lines one can avoid damaging the tubing when the boards are screwed to the sub floor through the grids. The lonesome grid on the right is being used as a template to get the right curve when drawing the ends of the loops below onto the boards.

I hope to get all the rest of the boards in place tomorrow except where the toilet will be placed. The grid has to be cut out there first and the exact location of the toilet hasn't been determined.

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