Thursday, September 18, 2008

My first large snake sighting

Today as I was spreading wood chips, when returning uphill for another load, I came across a snake lying halfway onto the trail. I didn't have my camera (isn't that always the case?) and, by the time I got past it, it had slithered into the undergrowth.

I have been searching the web and the best guess I have is it was a prairie kingsnake. The description states, "The Prairie Kingsnake is found in western Indiana." It also states, "The species is considered uncommon within the state," so I could be wrong, but I have searched through about 25 snake species on the web and this is the closest one to what I saw.

Maybe next time I'll be ready with the camera. It's hard to carry it around when shoveling and spreading chips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. I guess I won't be hiking around the farm if I ever get out that way.