Friday, January 30, 2009

Birds in the snow

OK, here's the truth. Earlier this year I lost my camera. I think I owned up to that a month or so ago. (I found it in the pocket of a coat I hadn't worn since spring a few weeks after my sister bought me another one as a gift.)

In December I lost the cable used to download pictures from the new camera. I found it today, pretty much where it was supposed to be. (Too darn many pockets in the carrier I use for the laptop and its accessories.)

I've been taking pictures all along, though, so I'll post many of them now, not necessarily in the order they have been taken.

I'll start with some of the birds that are emptying ours feeders a few times a day.

One can see all of our feeders from the apartment windows. This shows three of them at the first floor level. The thistle feeder is not shown, but it is rarely used by the goldfinches when sunflower seed is available.

There are at least 20 shown here but we have counted between forty and fifty at times.
We usually have two suet feeders hanging at the upstairs windows. Here's a little Carolina wren that has been visiting occasionally.
This red bellied woodpecker is a new visitor. He seems the least skittish of our moving near the window.

And finally, a male downy woodpecker. There are also a female downy and a male and a female hairy woodpecker who are coming each day. One can really tell the downy from the hairy by their sizes after seeing them both on the same nearby feeder.

NOTE: Apparently it's not as easy as I said. Sandy tells me the last picture is the hairy woodpecker, not the downy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the bird photos. Do you have any more to share?